"success consits of going from failure to failure, without loss of enthusiasm."

w. churchill

"failure is my new best friend, security my foe."

w. lopez-swiatek

Monday, March 19, 2007

R.A. Issue of the day/ Is being a negative role model better than not being a role model at all?

On St. Patty's eve after downing a few glasses of Bailey's, I decided it would be a good idea to drunk dial/prank phone call a buddy of mine from work. He is totally addicted to the NCAA playoffs so I knew he would be home glued to the tube..I also knew that he would hear my messages as they were being made. How immature to make REPEATED prank calls during his high holy religious event. How REALLY immature to involve my children in this ugly display...i.e. " Check this out you guys !'.
At least I did redeem myself by telling them that drinking is NOT cool, especially when you don't do it well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Weelo! This is exactly why we suggest you start a blog. From your first blog to your latest, your voice came out so strong ... so reluctant adult ... so Weelo. It's all you. Perfect for all your dreamy goals and drunken visions.

We're so proud of you.