"success consits of going from failure to failure, without loss of enthusiasm."

w. churchill

"failure is my new best friend, security my foe."

w. lopez-swiatek

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

R.A. guilty retro pleasure of the day

If I read one more article about healthy eating I think I'm going to barf.
I get it, I get it ,I know, I know , I know , I know..Good carbs, not bad carbs, more fruits, more veggies, less saturated everything, more fiber..blahblahblah.
Yesterday I did a quick trip for groceries. Lots of nice normal bland same-old stuff in the cart....like a zombie shopper, I rarely deviate from the list. Then I saw it...seductively beckoning me from the peanut butter aisle...In it's sexy glass jar with the logo that hasn't changed since its inception.. my very first childhood food -crush..... FLUFF. Sometimes you just can't say no to a good old guilty pleasure.

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