"success consits of going from failure to failure, without loss of enthusiasm."

w. churchill

"failure is my new best friend, security my foe."

w. lopez-swiatek

Sunday, December 2, 2007

fa la la la la la la la la

christmas morning 1967:
come downstairs
count gifts under tree
make sure i have more than my sister. (I don't).(Harumph!)
check to see if santa ate the plate of cookies. (he did).
rip open many brightly wrapped packages and pretend to be surprised
even though i begged unmercifully for the stuff
and went on a full tilt search mission throughout the house every night for the last month trying to find where my parents hid my unwrapped gifts (i found them).
recount opened gifts
ditch all the big items
play with stocking gifts
because they are always the coolest.

christmas morning 2007:
come downstairs
watch my kids count their gifts
to see who got more..(he did! No, he did!)(Harumph!) (Harumph!)
hope they don't notice that i forgot to put santa's cookies out. (they notice).
watch them open the gifts that i had time to wrap

answer their question about unwrapped toys
by saying that santa is trying to be "environmentally conscious" this year and wants to "Save the trees!"!
(they're not buying it)
watch them not act surprised because they
mostly got what they asked for
watch them eventually
ditch all the big items
because stocking gifts
are still the coolest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you remember that year? I don't even remember last year! Could it have to do with my age?The trip to NYC will be something for the boys to remember;much better than a lot of stuff!