"success consits of going from failure to failure, without loss of enthusiasm."

w. churchill

"failure is my new best friend, security my foe."

w. lopez-swiatek

Sunday, December 16, 2007

christmas comes early

this morning, before i even got out of bed,
santa came and dropped a laptop on top of my pajama-clad lap!
this is my first entry made with my adorable thinkpad.
now i can realize one of my long held dreams..blogging from bed.
when and if i actually do get out of bed, i can go to starbucks without having to look enviously at all the happy people avec frappachinos mysteriously tapping out words on their notebooks, wishing that i could be a member of that exalted wi-fi club. now at last i can join the ranks of those

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was Santa's name Paul? How nice.You really will enjoy it. More later.xxx Mom